Math Competitions Schedule 2024-25

– David L. Carlson, Ph.D., Co-founder and Co-chair, Colorado Math Awards

AMC: American Mathematical Competitions

$ denotes registration fee required of contest’s local organizer

$AMC 8: 40-minute, 25-question, multiple choice nat’l. exam for students in grade 8 or below

$AMC 10: 75-minute, 25-question, multiple choice nat’l. exam for students in grade 10 or below

$AMC 12: 75-minute, 25-question, multiple choice nat’l. exam for students in grade 12 or below

$CML: Colorado Math League (grades 4-12); six monthly 30-minute, 6 question national exams (Oct-March) for high school students; annual national exams for each grade 4 through 8

Soifer: Soifer (formerly Colorado) Mathematical Olympiad; a 4-hour, 5-question, essay/proof exam format (grades 7-12); hosted by the Univ. of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS)

UNC: Univ. of Northern Colorado State Math Contest (grades 7-12, younger students welcome); two 9-12 question exams—a 90-minute remote exam in fall, and a 3-hour in-person exam in Greeley by invitation in February or March.

($?) MATHCOUNTS: an afterschool national program for MS students with competitions at school, chapter, state, and national levels. Sponsored in-state by the Colorado Chapter of the National Society of Professional Engineers. Below we list only the state and national competition dates.


23 rd (Mon)

30 th (Mon)

AMC 10 and 12 EARLY BIRD registration deadline ($33 plus $25 per 10 exams)

CML registration deadline for six monthly high school contests, October-March($100 registration includes a set of 30 exams for each month with free shipping)


3rd (Fri) 

4th (Sat) 

11th (Sat) 

15th (Tue) 

22nd (Tue) 

23rd -30th 

28th (Mon) 

Soifer pre-registration deadline

Soifer 4-hour essay-type exam at UCCS; same day registration OK

Soifer awards program at UCCS

CML 1 st monthly national contest for high school students

AMC 10 and 12 REGULAR registration deadline ($76 plus $25 per 10 exams)

UNC 90-minute 1st round contest (remote)

AMC 8 EARLY BIRD registration deadline ($53 plus $25 per 10 exams)


6th (Wed) 

12th (Tue) 

12th (Tue) 

14th (Thu)  

AMC 10A and 12A national contest

AMC 10B and 12B national contest

CML 2 nd monthly national contest for high school students

CSU Math Day: college-bowl-style competition which features a full, double-elimination tournament with 3-member teams from 64 schools.


10th (Tue) 

23rd (Mon) 

15th (Sun) 

CML 3 rd monthly national contest for high school students

AMC 8 REGULAR registration deadline ($73 plus $25 per 10 exams)

CML registration deadline for annual national contests for 6 th , 7 th , and 8 th grades


14th (Tue) 

15th (Wed) 

15th & 22nd –28th  

CML 4 th monthly national contest for high school students

AMC 8 LATE registration deadline ($113 plus $25 per 10 exams)

AMC 8 national contest


11th (Tue) 

18th or 25th  

5 th CML monthly national contest for high school students

CML annual national contests for 6 th , 7 th , and 8 th grades


1st (Sat)  

11th (Tue) 

UNC 3-hour, 2nd round contest, held on-campus at UNC in Greeley

CML 6 th and final monthly national contest for high school students


15th or later

CML annual national contests for Grades 4 and 5


22nd (Thu)
University of Denver

Colorado Math Awards program